Saturday, January 1, 2011

Organizational Behaviour Mashane

values \u200b\u200bof Catholics

Cardinal Bagnasco, with the elements as to throw water on the fire, said: "There are values \u200b\u200bthat are not subject to mediation because they are parceled out. The list is known and that is the life, family, freedom of religious education and even before . "In this way, thinks he has silenced those voices who see the Catholic Church clearly siding with the" government of doing ". actually muddy the waters and confirms what we suspected. I mean, it seems clear that these words for the Church as long as Berlusconi contrasts euthanasia, abortion pill, gay marriage and support private schools (Catholic) and the crucifix in public places. For the rest can do whatever he wants, whores, mafia, corruption, pedophilia, racism, and even curses. The values \u200b\u200bof the Catholics, then, translating, are, according to Cardinal Bagnasco: support for private school, marriage between men and women, opposition to abortion and euthanasia. Do not forget perhaps the justice, respect (for women, minorities, opponents, the institutions, God, etc..) Honesty?! It seemed to me that Jesus spoke mostly of love, tolerance, care for the poor and marginalized. True love, not that of the Party of Love. (It is clear that confuse sex with love). As a Catholic orthodoxy with a foot I can say that this is really frustrating. Power wears out: where the churches live in the persecution and exclusion, however, the values ancient Christianity are still alive and vain talk of the buildings are gone. Merry Christmas.


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