Monday, January 31, 2011

Held My Piss In, Stomach Hurts


So, then, well ... let's recap: the beginning of this series of posts for the submission of our race, after viewed the land, the first song that we wanted to combine the visit was Strawberry Fields Forever (strawberry fields forever), the historical success of the Beatles. The intention was to play an 'ironic parody of the conditions of a competition and, one year after the first edition, had become an extension of the eye of brambles and English would "blackberry fields", without 'addition of the "forever", because due to a prolonged session in the piece, paid for out of un'autolesionistica avalanche of insults in dialect like "it's at a cojòn, the undersigned (the derailleur) with the scythe and with sickle short, what then will it take the osteopath, so that the piece but for a month before they straighten up again, had disappeared. Now, however, despite the Macumba practiced during the entire month of January has happened, do not say the irreparable, but almost: snow yesterday and now the throttle plantation "shaved" or all those lovely plants with a plug for their behavior ... meandering close to the ground, uprooting is a real ordeal, and instead we had meticulously eradicated one by one, lies under a white blanket that has the air of being more resistant than the quilt made by my grandmother crocheted in 1950 . And we fall in love to clean, test, draw on paper the two different paths cross and mtb: Zacchi, you get a bitch perturbazioncina and unexpected that even the had dared to point out, and the omelette, egg white-only course (see the color of the "thing" ), is made. Yes, okay, the flyer states that the event will be held in all weather conditions, but do not say if the soil remained dry, but moist, believe me it was better. Amen. A - 5 of the race we wanted to present the map of the cross on the blog and to follow that of placing them mtb atomic energy "Bombtrack" by Rage Against The Machine, but I guess rather than a "path undermined" according to a loose translation of the license conforms well to the characteristics of the circuit, despite the cancellation of the pitfalls plant has a number of pitfalls which must absolutely be wary, we must now call snowtrack , better suited to races with sled dogs , Nordic skiing or for the more "enterprising" a beautiful Excursion!! Ok, will update on Tuesday evening. Do you ever see that in the coming days. with a small rise in temperature, the white lady I leave the place in the bright green fields?!? Then will come into play Primus' My name is mud "(search on YouTube), literally: my name is mud! Any other comment is superfluous. Bella raga! It feels.
... Post scriptum: Yesterday with Silver, Alan Maver, and we were the mythical "Pota cross" of singlespeed Ciliverghe (BS). A memorable day. Snow up to Fiorenzuola, then nothing. Perfect terrain park in the ex-Italcementi, "race" fun and fast with Silver and Alan ex aequo on the 3rd step of the podium. Then the whole "Cumpa" of this wonderful movement of the fixed ratio in the cabin of the Alpini who were there from 4 am to prepare the spit, Brescia ... accompanied by a concrete mixer of steaming polenta. Unforgettable. There was also because the family lives Here, the father of Marco Velo (now DS Quickstep) great follower of the one and unique of the modern hero: Marco Pantani. Hello, Pirate!
For photos and news of the day, I refer you to the site







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