Saturday, January 1, 2011

Benefits Of Figaro Olive Oil

Perhaps it would be better to spend the money of the Italians into something more concrete

Boy wrote on Facebook:

GOOD! I challenge anyone to convince me that any of the points in this article is not acceptable on the basis of common sense.

read the article, I wrote:

" Besides the fact that the article is heavily deployed (just 'propaganda') I can say

point 1: forbidden to enter, but not in the same university's relative, but in the same department: the provision is therefore very easily aggirab ... ile.

Item 3: External members? who? businesses? parties? which represent interests beyond the purely scientific of the Academic Senate?

Item 8: I do not see how the reduction of business can be a plus, maybe you'll save, but certainly to produce less research and less diverse. I say this as part of a micro area of \u200b\u200bexcellence (in Egyptology dell'Orientalistica)

Item 9. see above, so to save money, or to produce better knowledge?

section 10: abolition of post-doctoral fellowships. And what they give us in return? instead of making them pay with law, even removed.

Item 15: student loans, so students already leave university in debt. Bello.

paragraph 16: "The possibilities for those working in universities to take 5 years of leave, to go into private without losing their jobs." Also to encourage businesses, not research.

Overall, I think there are only large cuts in funding, as always in this government, and partly in the previous .

I was told, and I recommend you to read Step 8:

" the carrier and of propaganda. At the events we are young and carefree armed peace, and if something happened and it is certainly guilty of infiltrators (in this regard interview-Christian ... guerzoni_35d321a4-0e28-11e0-8558-00144f02aabc.shtml ). The experts are all of the Scab and the pure in heart: in fact in my school career I have met hundreds of public employees who are then all died of fatigue.

Step 1: currently there is not even the restriction of the department. Critica sterile.

Step 3: Mayors, exactly as on the boards of companies in Germany. What do you think in Rotterdam or Stockholm there are representatives of companies at the university? Maybe that's why people find work while studying, and has direct access channels when it ends.

Step 8: I must not stand here and tell you how many universities there are unnecessary in Italy. Certainly will not reduce medical research, but with all due respect to your interests might be better to spend the money of the Italians into something more concrete. I'd go to study Egyptology in Egypt.

Step 9: The policy is that it makes no sense that there are five thousand universities identical. In Italy we have 79 universities. The number of universities, and between central offices, is over 150. But you seem a sustainable number?

Step 10: that is, let me know. after one has a doctorate in communication sciences, it can also make a post doctorate in communication sciences? and until now there was also a scholarship?

I wonder why I have not thought of before. I was wrong career.

to fund research in universities is not that mangiasoldi, but that through scientific and technological laboratories.

Point 15: I know many smart people who have worked to finance their studies. Without debt. On the other hand, my roommate has studied English at Oxford graduate and has signed a loan of honor because the English rule forbidding students to work so they can focus on their studies. I do not see anything wrong.

Point 16: The advantage seems obvious to me. A researcher who receives a good job offer from the United States goes five years without losing the chance to get back to doing the job he likes. And maybe bring a little 'practical knowledge in the universe.

E'ora to stop doing the defeatists and see the glass half empty. Us engage because these rules apply in the right way. But not in the square, inside the university, rolling up your sleeves .

Now, among all the enormity of writing, I do not go down right, see 8. I said,

" Step 8: I'm sorry, but how you say it offends me to death. It seems to me the most idiotic thing I have ever read. You know that the Italian Egyptologist invented here? Concrete? What is real? Only medicine or chemistry or the economy? And why you should study Egyptology only in Egypt? Then you should study Roman Archaeology only in Italy and Greece in Greek archeology only? My are not 'interests', I do not do the archaeologist for pleasure, do not go with the metal detector in the countryside when I do not know what the hell to do. Mine is a work, like the doctor, chemist and economist. And study Egyptology in Italy is not good only to the Egyptians. There are many Egyptian collections in Italy? Did you know that we have the second largest Egyptian museum in the world? What the Italians have dug in Egypt since 1828? "

I mean, upstream: the usual story is that the humanities are not worth anything compared to profits such as those that make us have a computer, the asphalt draining and medicines against the flu. NET. What is useful? A beautiful song or a Mozart siphons are useful? A painting by Picasso or a Canaletto useful? A sculpture, a fountain, a public garden: are they useful? Beauty is in use? In a good book is useful? The knowledge in itself is useful? In the knowledge of ourselves is useful? Yes, because since man is equal to itself, knowing the past is a little 'how to know oneself. The proportion between humanity and its history is that between us and our past, starting from the childish and loving memory of our parents and grandparents. From there we draw our roots, our habits, sometimes the way they walk is that of grandparents, dad's eyes, expressions, those learned in the kitchen with Mom. Everything can be summed up in one if Cicero: "I do not know what happened before his birth means to remain always a child." But one who says, "Why should we pay for researchers, if we produce the most beautiful shoes in the world?" reveals all the poverty and the limitations of his world. Nothing.


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