Fortunately, this bed is placed in front of the window and from here I can see the mountains ahead of me, if it was adjacent to the wall I could just fix the wall. I can only move her eyes, lips and some other body parts like fingers, suffer even to breathe, this time I put really bad, but I know I just need to tempo.Appunto of time but is already two months are immobile in bed and began to be a bit 'tired. And it's not the first time. On the other hand have much time to pensare.Quando I was a kid I was fascinated by the mountains a lot, I spent half an hour to observe their majesty, I climbed the big rock garden and I followed them from their profile from east to west as far as the eye I may, then go back and was the highest when the wind swept the ridges of snow white banner raising.
What a beautiful snow, has always accompanied my most important moments. And I realized only in recent months in hospital during which time I reviewed my life, and I cried. I forgot what it meant to cry, do not happen to me since I was small. How come I have not cried? I did not have reason? Or there were reasons, but they are a tough, insensitive, or perhaps, as the weeping form of communication, we can define a bear, not inclined to discover ... mha, maybe I'll have time to find out. Not now, however, is opening the door to my room and I know that I expect my daily ration of serenity. In fact, the smile of my wife goodbye, opens in a "hello" that is more effective than any painkiller. It 's always been that way ever since we met several years ago. My friend always had convinced her and her friend to come to the cliff, we took the strings on two easy shots, and I've done sure it was the first time he touched the football, but even with the string sent from saliva, as agile as I had never seen done to a neophyte. I was surprised, and I was immediately attracted. At the end of the cold day we got in the car and when we pulled up outside his house I asked to see her again, and I smiled and agreed. Leave here happy by turning on the windscreen of my compact car, was starting to nevicare.Io and my wife are peers at the time of our first meeting we were young, full of ideas, athletic, in their early twenties we began to play sports together, climbing, cycling , skiing, and there was a feeling we were not ever stop, we began to love each other without realizing it, without telling us, but we were aware of what everyone had for each other. Now that has been nearly twenty years is still the case. But something has changed over time, how many times we said I love you, how many times we realized the greatness of our love and we are detti.GiĆ there, but then there are so orso.La first time that I told you I like we were on vacation in the Alps in South Tyrol. It was December and a chairlift that took us to the shelter Panorama froze for a failure and we were there, hanging out on the track for nearly half an hour. Fortunately we had provided a blanket before going, so, under the makeshift tent of wool looked into his eyes and told him, I love you. Again this smile that opened my heart and a kiss. It was snowing; molto.Oggi came without children, by force, it is morning and I'm at school. Supports me in these difficult moments, encouraging me, I know it does not approve of the way down my chiodatore activities that brought me to the second serious accident, but I've never been asked not to, to stop. I realize that suffering to see me suffer, suffer in not having me at home, suffers from the fact that children do not have my greeting before bed and I feel a bit 'to blame for all this. I would tell him, but I know what he would do, its index would begin to press my lips and her smile, yes, his smile again I would say without a voice that knows it already, you do not need that I try to express myself. But I need to force myself, not physically, it is my duty to say what I feel. Not today, is already an hour is here with me and I have to start the visits of ceremony, and greets me, smiling at me and he va.Al time of the first accident the children were not born yet. A double too fast, what cost me the knot at both ends, nothing, and yet I made them and the rope is over too soon and she is hanging, and I have fallen on deaf ears. It was the penultimate double, and about twenty-five feet off the ground I immediately thought it was my time. They say that at times when death is near, you pass in front of images of a lifetime. For me it was not so. I still have ahead of me the view of the cord that goes away and I remember perfectly to have beaten the first time slightly leaning on the wall. This bump me away from the rock and I knew that this was good because the base of the route was flat and rocky, but if I had landed just five feet further, I would run into trees and shrubs on a steep descent. In fact it was so. I arrived on a tree, her arms instinctively leaned forward, breaking a branch that went to stick in my side and slipped into my flesh to puncture a lung. Cacciai a terrifying scream and fall from the tree branch took out alone; cacciai a second scream and I realized I was banging my face on the ground. I woke up in hospital, to be honest surprised to be still alive with a broken wrist, a hole in the lung, bruises and scabs from all sides and the face that looked like a horse steak, grilled, but kept the blood. Part of my bed was her, I smiled. I tried but I came out to greet her voice, so I tried to raise his arm to give her a hint, but it was like getting a shot in the hand ax. My rare steak should have made an ugly grimace from parts of the mouth because my wife stopped smiling, I knew who was suffering with me. We arrived immediately, but later I realized with certainty to be the cause of his ongoing sofferenza.Non stopped smiling because he saw the pain stopped smiling because he saw my dolore.Non I even went to the hall of the brain to stop going on the rock, in fact, I could not wait to get back in shape to start over. I spoke with her the day I resigned, comforted me, saying that it is a reaction so strong that face their fears and moments of uncertainty. That day I became convinced that whatever had happened to me, we always continued to have the feeling, to love and this time I was a surprise, I asked if it was not time to think of a child. I've never seen that look happy, full of emotion, surprise, conscious and alive in his face. I hugged until I hurt his side still blindfolded, then he helped me out the door of the hospital. The road was white. It was snowing for a while '.
Both the birth of the first, second that the sky was purple and sent to earth hexagonal ice crystals. The snow. Always present in the most significative.E today are still immobile, in a hospital bed waiting for them. They bring a fresh wind in this environment quite sad. My kids are spectacular. Do not have realized that this time I almost died for a superficiality to cut a rope from the rock, for an error that I should not commit. I am a nerd who became very ill twice, or are lucky to be still alive? I do not know, but I shudder to think that I could leave them alone. At the bottom are small and also needs a father. And if you died? In many weep over my death. My parents, my children ... and you? She always accompanies me with infinite love, new love, every day, with his smile revitalizing ... no, I can not die, I must not die. It 's true that we are all indispensable, but only as long as we are, then the world will do without us, inevitably, but I ... I want to stay with them, I want them to love, I want to receive their amore.Eccoli, arrived . All three, my wife and children, and I have decided not risk just to make it trivial for an error. I do not most stay in thinking out of the house with ropes, carabiners, drill etc.. And today I'll tell him, and then tell them to everyone, whispering in his ear, that I love them deeply and sincerely. It 's a decision presa.Mentre put in place all this in a split second, my eyes get lost behind the glass of the window and I realize one thing: it's snowing.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Eucalyptus Candle Henri Bendel
Literary Prize "Attilio Tabaglio"
Towards the end of 2007, known for "The Journal of Brescia" an article about the literary prize "Attilio Tabaglio" inviting all residents in Lombardy to send a story to attend the event.
E 'for some years that I am writing short stories (some of them posted here on the blog) but not I never had a trial by a "insider", so I decide to participate. The common name is organizing the event, Concesio, learn how to participate, deliver the necessary copies and not think about it anymore.
After almost a year I receive a call from the secretary of the municipality that tells me point blank that have proven to be the winner of my category (from twenty years old and over). A moment of silence with a joke and I think one of the few friends who know of it, but then I realize it's true. I have a moment of happiness, I'm happy, but inside me I try to downplay it ... basically it is a local initiative. But I'm wrong, I seek information and realize that instead of this literary prize is something important, especially for me.
the day of the awards appears in the newspaper the poster
... hell, even Piero Dorfles ... and reading "attorale"
The evening's award ceremony was held just fine, and the other from a reading of ranked first stories there is a musical interlude (a singer, a violin, a cello and a guitar), reading attorale the creeps ... then the awards ceremony itself ...
At the end of the evening is the most incredible thing happened and really embarrassing a lot of people have approached me to congratulate, to comment, to congratulate me and me I could not believe these moments of "minor celebrity".
So a nice evening.
forgot: the story can be found by clicking "stories" in the labels on the right
Towards the end of 2007, known for "The Journal of Brescia" an article about the literary prize "Attilio Tabaglio" inviting all residents in Lombardy to send a story to attend the event.
E 'for some years that I am writing short stories (some of them posted here on the blog) but not I never had a trial by a "insider", so I decide to participate. The common name is organizing the event, Concesio, learn how to participate, deliver the necessary copies and not think about it anymore.
After almost a year I receive a call from the secretary of the municipality that tells me point blank that have proven to be the winner of my category (from twenty years old and over). A moment of silence with a joke and I think one of the few friends who know of it, but then I realize it's true. I have a moment of happiness, I'm happy, but inside me I try to downplay it ... basically it is a local initiative. But I'm wrong, I seek information and realize that instead of this literary prize is something important, especially for me.
the day of the awards appears in the newspaper the poster
... hell, even Piero Dorfles ... and reading "attorale"
The evening's award ceremony was held just fine, and the other from a reading of ranked first stories there is a musical interlude (a singer, a violin, a cello and a guitar), reading attorale the creeps ... then the awards ceremony itself ...
At the end of the evening is the most incredible thing happened and really embarrassing a lot of people have approached me to congratulate, to comment, to congratulate me and me I could not believe these moments of "minor celebrity".
So a nice evening.
forgot: the story can be found by clicking "stories" in the labels on the right
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kate's Playground Ride Chair
It was a while that we came to Mangalore in Valcamonica, so, without making too many programs on Sunday morning Frank and I are in the country shortly after 8 am . Since the machine marks +2 ° C hot we decide that a cap can make us well in waiting for the sun kisses the rough stone pillars. We are moving towards the pillar of pitoti from where "Anestesol Sublime" we have a copy for your hands from many directions and it tells us only a general 6b, four shots from 40 meters. Mha, looking at it from below does not seem 6b a way, it seems very supported and one can see some short stapiombi the 6b will be there ... we tell ourselves. Ready on. Climbing
immediately pleasant, where the shoes are put on the hand feels fine roughness of the rock is not greasy. We find that the few passages of the degree are stated in the second and fourth shot, the rest is a fifth, sometimes even less.
The sun warms our backs well and both sets of moments before are gone, the sky is clear and you see the Adamello snow.
In the top we see that a few meters away there is another pillar, and we discover that we are going to see them side by another route and choose to do, another 40 meters of joy and a time to stop another 40 meters street ... so all six pitches of about 40 meters, although easy, they made us sweat and enjoy.
Horn Pagano, behind which there are some historic streets of Mangalore
Franco posing for his fans (the hardcore fans of her name is Maria Stella seems to have nailed a street called "Spit Act")
Belle also double
Some information: We used a rope from 70 yards and were all double the limit, indeed, for the first shot we had to climb back to about three meters. So if you have a shorter rope ... procuratevene a half or two longer. Helmet recommended. The shots are easy studded longish (typical of Mangalore) such as easier on the spits were 4 to 40 meters ...
I recommend it.
It was a while that we came to Mangalore in Valcamonica, so, without making too many programs on Sunday morning Frank and I are in the country shortly after 8 am . Since the machine marks +2 ° C hot we decide that a cap can make us well in waiting for the sun kisses the rough stone pillars. We are moving towards the pillar of pitoti from where "Anestesol Sublime" we have a copy for your hands from many directions and it tells us only a general 6b, four shots from 40 meters. Mha, looking at it from below does not seem 6b a way, it seems very supported and one can see some short stapiombi the 6b will be there ... we tell ourselves. Ready on. Climbing
immediately pleasant, where the shoes are put on the hand feels fine roughness of the rock is not greasy. We find that the few passages of the degree are stated in the second and fourth shot, the rest is a fifth, sometimes even less.
The sun warms our backs well and both sets of moments before are gone, the sky is clear and you see the Adamello snow.
In the top we see that a few meters away there is another pillar, and we discover that we are going to see them side by another route and choose to do, another 40 meters of joy and a time to stop another 40 meters street ... so all six pitches of about 40 meters, although easy, they made us sweat and enjoy.
Horn Pagano, behind which there are some historic streets of Mangalore
Franco posing for his fans (the hardcore fans of her name is Maria Stella seems to have nailed a street called "Spit Act")
Belle also double
I recommend it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Online Mario Salieri Movies
Thursday, October 13 21:45 live @ SOUL KILLA BEATZ READ

*** THURSDAY 13th November '08 hours (21.45!) ***
University Library READ
Viale Cittadini, 21 (behind station) AREZZO
toy - HIP-POP acoustic version
from Arezzo
guitars, keyboard, toys, voices, fragments of hip pop, so much irony ....
....( and one question: do you like harpsichord!?)
Listen up: www. / soulkillabeatzband
... The attic of Ideas ...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Remote Helicopter Mumbai
Still Climbing? I do not know what it means yet
How many times have we heard to say "... but you're crazy, why do you climb on the rocks? An activity that can be lethal ..." and other cute little things like that. But for us what it really means that climb climb? It means many things and this morning I had the proof. When I came back my son asked me if I was to climb and without a moment's hesitation I said yes, although I have not even touched the rock.
I hurt shoulder, and then to climb but not even mentioned ... and Hugh Norby want to go to a cliff that none of us know, we've heard about but did not know it. I also decided to go take photos with the car right now and not with the compact camera that we usually carry.
1) climbing is to go rock climbing with friends who can share with you the feelings of a climb on limestone or granite
. .. then you discover that the cliff, as the location is much better than you had said, the hotel is in the lake, although today is the November 8, the sun is hot and you can stand in the cold without shirt
2) climb is being able to enjoy the nature around you
... but of course there is also another aspect , the technical ...
3) climb is to find a support that takes up your foot
4) climb is being able to pinch a piece of rock with the force with which to make
5) climb is to put all the effort to make a pass, or less demanding it
... then it happens that you realize you've given a lot to get to there, you feel unprepared to take another step, but we feel the same .. . materializing here and now that we know good climber, the moment of liberation and terror, of consciousness and unconsciousness, fatigue and happiness, chloroform and adrenaline ... flight ... suddenly none of the four extremities were attacked just before the rock and more in touch with the palpable, the force of gravity, which first made itself felt on the hands and feet is more noticeable for one moment you are free in the air, frightening ecstasy ...
6) climbing is knowing that you can fly
... and for me that I have not climbed this morning?
7) is to climb the pictures to your friends to be hoping that good
... but climbing is also a lot of other things ...
8 ).....
9 ).....
10 ).....
etc.. etc.. etc..
This morning I took a hundred photographs, the advertising is only a fraction, the other to preserve and guard jealously, as always, to watch them in moments of relaxation, with or without friends ...
PS As always, to see the pictures in perfect ... cliccagli on!
How many times have we heard to say "... but you're crazy, why do you climb on the rocks? An activity that can be lethal ..." and other cute little things like that. But for us what it really means that climb climb? It means many things and this morning I had the proof. When I came back my son asked me if I was to climb and without a moment's hesitation I said yes, although I have not even touched the rock.
I hurt shoulder, and then to climb but not even mentioned ... and Hugh Norby want to go to a cliff that none of us know, we've heard about but did not know it. I also decided to go take photos with the car right now and not with the compact camera that we usually carry.
1) climbing is to go rock climbing with friends who can share with you the feelings of a climb on limestone or granite
. .. then you discover that the cliff, as the location is much better than you had said, the hotel is in the lake, although today is the November 8, the sun is hot and you can stand in the cold without shirt
2) climb is being able to enjoy the nature around you
... but of course there is also another aspect , the technical ...
3) climb is to find a support that takes up your foot
4) climb is being able to pinch a piece of rock with the force with which to make
... then it happens that you realize you've given a lot to get to there, you feel unprepared to take another step, but we feel the same .. . materializing here and now that we know good climber, the moment of liberation and terror, of consciousness and unconsciousness, fatigue and happiness, chloroform and adrenaline ... flight ... suddenly none of the four extremities were attacked just before the rock and more in touch with the palpable, the force of gravity, which first made itself felt on the hands and feet is more noticeable for one moment you are free in the air, frightening ecstasy ...
6) climbing is knowing that you can fly
7) is to climb the pictures to your friends to be hoping that good
8 ).....
9 ).....
10 ).....
etc.. etc.. etc..
This morning I took a hundred photographs, the advertising is only a fraction, the other to preserve and guard jealously, as always, to watch them in moments of relaxation, with or without friends ...
PS As always, to see the pictures in perfect ... cliccagli on!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
How Much Are Barbara Weber Paintings Worth
always looking layout that pleases me more, I still have distorted the appearance of the bath house. I lifted the wood, leaving only one to serve as a "fence" to Ludwig, the Echinodorus rose on the right, the Rotala rotundifolia is giving the best on the left, but especially the Pogostemon Helfer is the great runner and has managed to create a kind of "lawn" which of course must be placed on duty.
A view "overview"
The pogo
I fixed the Echinodorus between Ludwig and a couple of branches (there were no higher than three inches and with 4 / 5 leaves) of Hygrophila polyspermy that somehow resisted by the other semi-submerged plants, so that not even I saw it and thought I was completely eliminated, here
always looking layout that pleases me more, I still have distorted the appearance of the bath house. I lifted the wood, leaving only one to serve as a "fence" to Ludwig, the Echinodorus rose on the right, the Rotala rotundifolia is giving the best on the left, but especially the Pogostemon Helfer is the great runner and has managed to create a kind of "lawn" which of course must be placed on duty.
A view "overview"
The pogo
I fixed the Echinodorus between Ludwig and a couple of branches (there were no higher than three inches and with 4 / 5 leaves) of Hygrophila polyspermy that somehow resisted by the other semi-submerged plants, so that not even I saw it and thought I was completely eliminated, here
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