Monday, February 28, 2011

Build Antenna For Short Wave Radio


Sculazzo Production presents:
"Golen DEEP" by Gerard (Damien) 'Uranium' Umbano
with Bicippide, Beep beep ... asquali, Ugo Crostolo, and about 500 others.

said than done. Despite Umbano (Sculazzo's team manager, which appears also in the forefront in our post of Feb. 17 "Will not Get Fooled again "... yes, we've discovered, it's him!) had disguised Meteoman that Stefano Ghetti TG Weather Emilia-Romagna is an umbrella by comparison, and had provided the African sun in Valpadana, between Saturday and Sunday it rained all night and those who were on the grassy banks of the great river which had already been some timid violets peeping in March, turned into a quagmire that even the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes would be able to bring to the human condition, at least for us, cycle. Saturday, in the test, the KTM Bicippide (our left in the third edition of the River Marathon Cup) had not dared to tell the flight of the heron, wader which is dedicated to the name of the event and whose name was also attributed to the legendary Fausto Coppi, but some pheasant waving from stocky, between a field and a poplar grove had been able to do it.

Sunday absolute disaster! Immediately after the start, before the end of lap (in retrospect, it takes a lot of courage to call it that ...), it was in transit across the deadly barrage Crostolo already own that nice little stream that characterizes the city "so beloved "we Parma! (Joke here at the derailer are great admirers of the people of Reggio Emilia, and in fact that I announce that perhaps early evening of June we will mtb joint PR-RE or vice versa). In recent years, apart from a few holes, it was spinning pretty straight to the Lido where Po has always placed the finishing line or the passage of two rounds to go. This year, no. Even the approach to the sheep track appeared slightly muddy, then as you enter the floodplain in the consistency of the mud was assuming proportions "biblical" especially when you go back five hundred or more "vandals" Unleashed in the short space of five minutes have made the track almost impassable, especially if you do not already have a "primary" and an essential set of disc brakes and w-brake. Steps for 26 "to 29" is still a luxury for the elite, but at least have a brake if you pull up the mud, between the bridge of the fork and the wheel will be formed of tiles (bricks, in Parma) ready to bake in the furnace of Casaltone is the minimum subsistence. But our Bicippide is an old-fashioned, so much so that took its name from its fellow greek Pheidippides, that after the victory of the Athenians over the Persians at Marathon races toward his city about 42 km away the now designate the Olympic sport of the same name, and then to announce the successful lineage of heartbreak. Not burst, but there remain stuck in treacherous mud, for omnia saecula saeculorum maybe. So old that perhaps it was the only one with those brakes in circulation. Yet Umbano, the director, had warned us: "But you do with that woman?" "Yes, I've got more!" Who is the cause of his pain, crying himself. It was moments like this, hot tears to warm the cold winter wind. Bello then the intervention of a bystander (played magnificently to the occasion, by the great Hugh Crostolo, aka totally related with the location of entry into the scene of the character) who preached agility. Someone in the group, however, passing a hand, has "kindly" explained in anatomical terms should be placed where the agility necessary and much desired! Having recovered, Bicippide had "carved", after the test the day before the next stretch of wetlands could be fatal, so he got straight to the grove above, while others crawled through before a mysterious flash placed there on purpose posed by a sadistic photographer decided to capture the walking corpses who fell there. For Bicippide no photos (fraudsters is better not to leave traces, n'est pas?) And numerous (?) Positions gained. One hour of the race and just over 14 kilometers: not even the Greek tortoise (just to stay in geographic scope), one of the slowest animals on Earth, at times unable to do worse. After this stretch, someone with an output worthy of the most famous accountant of the big screen, Ugo Fantozzi, yells, "now it's done!" Absolutely unaware that the worst was yet to come. Up and down its banks to find a strip of grass where the rear wheel did hold, then the killer singletrack of the so-called "plowed field." On the right bank of an infested with all kinds of thorny shrub: go up even by mistake, a penalty from Dante's Inferno torture; left an expanse of sod turned by the plow just that if by chance we ended up in a half do not know if could tell his grandchildren to have it ... sfangata (past participle very appropriate). The only way the path was placed in the middle, the passing of our hero had suffered the shame of the barbarian horde at least six hundred of the Ostrogoths fat wheels, that nothing remained to have it on foot, pointing to a run spingibici, just to himself in countenance. But we come to the grand finale: the hope of ending the race with the second round has now become a utopia. E'quasi Sculazzo noon and have already thrown down the dough and a mica may not appear at lunch, especially on Sundays, two hours late! If anything, there was some doubt, we thought Beep-beep ... asquali to levarceli: Crostolo it go on board, but crusts (that ugly word game, oh well will fatigue) even the shadow. As Richard III in the Wars of the Roses lost cried seeing that in the heat of battle "my kingdom for a horse", so our left screams in silence "my salary for a stick" with which to clean the wheels and try to come to goal. This takes time and it is not the case in the middle of the route especially if you are coming, "her majesty" the Italian Champion, who rightly calls for space, even if it has crashed relegating opponents to over 10 '(yes, you read well, ten minutes in letters, post bulletins on how the euro is the same). That agility, always there near (I hope he had a pair of boots, if not his wife filed for divorce the same afternoon), a true genius, is another of his output: "on the left, Fabio GHE Puse dur. " I do not know where he has since left the soil was more compact and do not even know if he had smoked a joint or a traditional marsh. We lean to the second hypothesis, cannabis Valley, one in which our old twining Cavagna, according to people who tested, is much more effective than Jamaica because of the vegetation on these soils lambrusco. That's why every so often one hears of poplar in the bongos!

The comparison between the White Heron, if in our "little" is not too irreverent, I think the winner of the last two editions of the River will be there. Beep great, especially since trimming more than 20 miles of detachment and rounding have allowed us to take a trip in less!

BUNGE BINGO BONGO WANT TO GO UP IN CONGO us too though, like the other hundreds of participants, touches our heron: it crossed the line we are given a wonderful "coin" in the shape of the pinion in it bears the symbol of a heron in flight. Mica the crap mud-Belgian Congo (with all due respect), that we have it printed on the shirt in the afternoon and it will take four washing machines to pull it off.

PS: It seems that Umbano has already unbalanced for the 2012 edition. The restaurant will be located in one of those "pied-a-terre" (fishing) in wood that arise along the route. In addition to the bongos, he promised the bunga-bunga. Do you!

PS PS: One of those "shelters" is right on background while going through our Bicippide framed by the camera. V edi: )

be a coincidence or a cottage?

Friends, as we have always joked. And 'our way to pay a big thank you (say, seriously) to the boys of Sculazzo Italy team who have worked to make this wonderful event and that we, despite the irony with which we have described, and despite a day with a very inclement weather that has a bit 'spoiled the party, has been however, in the heart. Personally, even though we struggled for a long mainly due to an inadequate means, we still had fun. Indeed, the difficulties are felt more alive and make the result of heroic people like us, you are confused, anonymous in the crowd of those who were there and we have tried most of the same feelings. We regret not having taken part in the pasta party, but frankly i have frozen feet recommended an early return home. Airon will be for the next or the next stage, the X-Bionic Asola's already knocking at the door.


WHO HOWEVER YOU WOULD "That" 2 ^ RMC recommend to search OUR POST "STORIES OF THE GREAT RIVER" OF 27-30-31 / 3 / 2010 ON THIS BLOG

; ; Everywhere I VIDEO


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