Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can A 32 Year Old Wear Forever 21

The Way of the guns

Today is one of those autumn Sundays uggiosissime which is nice to stay at home quietly beautiful. For depression do not make me come but I want to remember this summer just passed, and then I'll tell you a little "adventure" of my last vacation, which if you read my previous posts were in the south of France.
recent days, after many vicissitudes, including the meeting (fortunately only hearsay!) With a shark in the Riviera, we moved to Italy, in Demonte, province of Cuneo, right on the border with France, is a beautiful place, very busy, with a wonderful way to go in motion, in the midst of unspoiled mountains, where the morning meetings that you are the only ones with the Marmot and I assure you that give a really great feeling.
You understand that all except one speaks of a relaxing holiday, then on Wednesday August 18, the last day, we planned a relaxing day: Gardetta Pass, 2400 m, which is one of the most beautiful places in the Alps (off-road, yes, but that we now know, and pretty quiet), lunch at the restaurant and the Elder afternoon walk in the Lauzonniere (France) and possibly the rest pennica seen that there are beautiful meadows.
Our hotel instead, which is a lovely person and always recommends that new routes, has a beautiful thought to suggest to go for "the way of the guns" which is a military road built during the Second World War and connects with Valmala Col Sampeyre. Of course, while I'm hesitant, my husband decided to follow advice.
So, despite the sin enough signs and then it's not clear where to go, then we take the road, well maybe call it the road is a bit 'too much. We find just two enduro parked cigarette and wonder if their opinion is also feasible that we are two of us and the bike is a lot of bulky twin. I am a bit 'confused, but they tell us that there is only a piece quite critical, otherwise you can do. You seemed. So we, full of hopeful we leave to chance and the first 7 km of dirt road but are indeed viable. Arrived at a crossroads two meet again, telling us we began the difficult piece, followed by another even more difficult. China (my husband) instead of turning left, saying "yes it was quite okay" and then down to the valley, decided to continue and in fact I know this pain panza de pe tAll: I must cling with their teeth to stay on the bike that travels on the right and cocks his left, the path is narrow with bushes that will slam in your face on one side and the cliff on the other.
After 4 hairpin thus appears the stone, which is especially imposing illegitimate because the steering handle sudden, even down to the ravine. At this point, after a few tens of meters, I decided to get off the bike, China alone is much less effort and the risk is lower. Of course I am angry black, I do 2 km walk with jacket and helmet in hand (it's hot even though we are at 2000 m) this does not prevent me from watching the view is breathtaking (see photo). Walk, walk, are very distressed: at 12 km step Sampeyre still missing and we do not know how long the stone ... but finally ... suddenly around a bend ... ... the Sew, which comes up to me on foot, saying that the ugly part is over and we can proceed safely (after a hundred meters there was a landslide and I had to go down again). I
sweeping panorama of the beautiful photos, a 360-degree view of mountains, including Mount Viso, with clouds and sun together.
Incazzatura vanished while we make the remaining 10 km of beautiful dirt road, seems to be hanging over the mountains. Colle Sampeyre, 2200mt.
Sometimes the adventures you live with great fear, are those that remain in the hearts. (Do not think I'll make the still, of course)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Suvia

Cuttlefish with tomato

Today I cooked this simple dish but very tasty, because the squid are very poor dietary fat , and since we are returning from a wedding dinner yesterday, where we ate to bursting getting up from the table 7 past, we were waiting for.
If you want to give you the recipe. First order as cuttlefish and I suggest you get them already cleaned, it is more comfortable. Once in Lampedusa me and my friend we went to the fish market was a bit 'late and there was little choice so we opted for the calamari to grill. Once we got home we realized we had to clean, we look ... my friend went to the bathroom to vomit, I shall be armed with courage and I have started work. Repeating all the time "this sucks ... schiiiifo that" under the running water I removed all that slimy stuff then when it broke the ink bag, I almost reach my friend in the bathroom. If there came the nausea well you constantly in the recipe (grilled squid were once very good, of course).
For 2 people need 400 grams of baby squid, and cut into strips. Do brown chopped onion in olive oil (preferably the Tropea red) with the chopped parsley, too. Add the squid and cook. After 10 minutes add 200 grams of tomato sauce and cover. Do not add salt. After half an hour, add 3 cherry tomatoes cut into 4 (I still had a pretty nice ripe tomato from our garden and I put that) and basil. Yet a quarter of an hour and is ready. The preparation should be very juicy, so if necessary add water. Try if necessary salt and serve with bread from Puglia, but I prefer to accompany it with cous cous, I tasted the first time in Lampedusa and in fact I think it's very good: prepare it following the instructions on the box.
cuttlefish with tomato cous cous
chicchissimo in Lampedusa in a restaurant with terrace overlooking the old port we enjoyed a really delicious dish: A slice of grouper on a thin bed boiled potatoes accompanied by cous cous with grilled vegetables, all to be sprayed with a best fish soup or sauce, tomato, chilli and spices .... I got hungry even if they are 23.30.
And hello to the next. A heartfelt thanks to all friends who love to follow me.