Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pretty Woman Polka Dot Onepiece

Pilates: impressions, reflections, hunches (!!!) Bellagio

Last night I went to my first Pilates class. Yes I know, I arrive with the last train for years now that it is spoken, only I, lazy by nature, I decided to go there just now just because the gym where he plays the course is near my house and I especially count on the company of a dear friend. Sure
a century has passed from modern dance classes that I attended in the 80 ... they made a great effort but I enjoyed a world, we all feel for Jennifer Beals Flashdance ... tuft in the foot, leg warmers and the music of Irene Cara, or Duran Duran!
Well, Pilates is all different, I do not know why I do the comparison ... I felt much closer to yoga is very relaxing, and it's nice also because we are a small group fairly homogeneous in age and the teacher is very nice as well as competent, with a great body which is encouraging (because it is small like me). In the group, there is also played first-class who got out said that once she got home (the course is from 21.30 to 22.30) still had to eat, making jams and clean the sardines, "who knows what time I go to sleep! "... is it true that some women are really masochistic, with jams that there are very good and especially at the supermarket fillets beautiful Sardinian already clean ... then what the hell do you do if thou hast the sardines in half-hour lunch break I do not know. Bah! I will never understand.
I said, it is very relaxing, with that new age music in the background and, perhaps because it was the first lesson, not at all difficult, though I at one point there was nothing to understand that fact with the breathing (in and then ESC I was a beastly mess, most times just the opposite) and put your feet up when you breathe in and put his foot down when you exhale. Let me walk a few lessons and then Barbara (the teacher) will start the cazziatone me as the teacher of classical ballet that I had as a child. That was really a Nazi, just missing that would take the stick to give you a few steps in the legs if cane ... Yet not miss a lesson, I loved it.
Tomorrow evening my second lesson, or rather tomorrow morning I have to get hold of the mat and a couple of tools, it also approffitterò to buy a new swimsuit ... I saw an advertisement mica to laugh, "I be Deha dance" ... Ih Ih Ih!!
Unfortunately I did not post a photo, I did not think you should go with the camera ... for the first time at least!!
Hello I joked a bit, 'the next!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Celiac Disease Rast Test

Today was a beautiful day. My parents celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary, and like every year (by almost 40 °) together with China (my husband), my sister, my brother, and son, we went to dinner at La Pergola, a small restaurant on the lake in Pescallo, a village of Bellagio. E 'was great spending time together, calm, serene, we joked and time has flown by, as usual we were the last to come off ... is a place that brings peace with oneself, with the lake so calm, there was a sky so blue then, despite the horrible weather of yesterday ...
Me and Joan - my sister - we remembered as children when they already came here for lunch during the summer, and we brought the Barbie, the children of friends of wore my GI-Joe with a lot of canottino diver and did a skin to play on the beach of the marina, which ah good times!
Of course there was time to make a nice morning ride to Bellagio, a little 'spy in the windows of knitting, a little' shopping (them, because I have not bought nnniente) and drink.

you post a picture of me on the jetty at the Pergola

They are beautiful right?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Always Get Cramps When I Sit

Tecla Happy Birthday! Travel in the Cevennes

This is the complete I made for a lady who turns 94 years tomorrow ... a wit you? I had the tone of the proposed rose, but she replied that pink is a son of maria and she did not want him. When I made the delivery of all met told me: It takes a lot of courage to wear orange in 94 years! Each year ago for his birthday party at his house with all his friends, if the weather is nice in the garden and are organizing the bocce tournament. Last year, instead he hired a small van with a driver and has led his guests to travel around the old houses open to the public here in the area. One year the weather was not his and it was raining, so he organized a sort of trivia game on various topics - literature, science, current events - obviously the questions she did and I seem to see the guests , As a terrified schoolboy ...
From what I have said, you understand that Dr. Tecla has quite a temper ... but if you think it took a degree in pharmacy just after the war ... Well I do not think many women were coming to graduate at that time, it is clear that had to have a great strength of character ... (I do not know if I fought a bit 'with the verb tenses, if so sorry). We have known several years ago and the start was a bit 'stormy: since it is the type that commands people to stick, who knows me knows that I too am a bit' a lava stone, so we made some spark, but after a while everything has been ironed out, so I was appointed as his " personal shopper "yes of course, much less pussy Cameron Diaz in the movie - In her shoes - it was just a personal shopper of old ladies in a nursing home luxury.
You will understand that I really admire this lady ... and she have much sympathy for me. One day I said something, "Old man is one who has no desires, who fail to projects, not those who help others" of course she does not feel some old, and he's right!
This thing I said I was really thinking, well, I am always making plans (then maybe you'll bring out fourth) I want too many, because helping others ... Last week I painted my two windows mother-in-law, so I did my part . :)
So, in conclusion, what can I say except ... Tecla Greetings! Thumbs up